Pho Rolls (Pho Cuon) is considered one of the typical dishes in Hanoi people which includes soft noodles, well-marinated beef, and local herbs served with chili & garlic fish sauce. This dish totally captivates a lot of Hanoi visitors. Let’s learn how to make Pho Rolls with VniFood right away!
Servings Prep Time
2people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 5minutes
Servings Prep Time
2people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 5minutes
  1. Step 1: Pull the leaves of all herbs off. Wash gently and soak in water with a little salt and then remove and drain.
  2. Step 2: Wash and slice beef into ​thin pieces. Marinate beef with a little seasoning, minced oil, and dried onion.
  3. Step 3: Stir dried onion and minced garlic in a hot oil pan, then add onion to stir together.
  4. Step 4: Next, add beef to stir-fry with high heat. Then, put the stirred beef into a bowl to separate.
  5. Step 5: Peel carrots and wash cucumbers, then julienne both. Arrange cucumbers, carrots, herbs, noodles, beef on the tray. Mix the sauce with the ratio of 1 spoon of sugar: 1 tablespoon of fish sauce: 1 spoon of vinegar or lemon: 5 tablespoons of water, minced garlic, minced chili, then stir well.
  6. Step 6: Spread a noodles sheet on a plate, put lettuce down first, add some rice noodles, herbs, carrots, cucumbers, beef and wrap tightly. Do the same thing until finishing all the materials.
  7. Step 7: Put the rolls on a plate and serve with the sour & spicy sauce.
Recipe Notes

Pho Rolls (Pho Cuon) is considered one of the typical dishes in Hanoi people which includes soft noodles, well-marinated beef, and local herbs served with chili & garlic fish sauce. This dish totally captivates a lot of Hanoi visitors. Let’s learn how to make Pho Rolls with VniFood right away! Cooking this dish may have to use best german knives

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