Cheddar cauliflower is rich in vitamins and fiber, which greatly enhances vision. Especially, the combination of cheddar cauliflower and shrimp supports bones, stabilizes blood, and prevents cardiovascular disease.
Servings Prep Time
3people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 10minutes
Servings Prep Time
3people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 10minutes
  1. Wash the cauliflower, then soak in brine for 15 minutes. Then wash again, put in a basket to drain. Cut off the shrimp head and tail and wash again.
  2. Cook a pot of boiling water with a pinch of salt to boil the cauliflower briefly(this will keep the color of vegetable more beautiful).
  3. Sauté garlic and stir-fry shrimp until cooked with a little salt, pepper, oyster sauce. Then, put the vegetable to stir and season to taste again.
  4. When all ingredients are cooked, place in a dish and serve with green chili soy sauce! Broccoli and shrimp are still crispy and sweet, so they’re delicious.
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